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Top 10 U.S States based on number of milk cows (in 1,000s) from year 2014 - 2016

Jin Gan

This statistic depicts the ten top dairy producing U.S. states by number of milk cows from 2014 to 2016. For the past 3 years, California was rank number 1 with almost 1.8 million milk cows followed closely by Wisconsin with almost 1.3 million milk cows.

There is a slight decrease of number milk cows for New Mexico from year 2014 to 2016 whereas the number of milk cows is increasing for Idaho, Michigan and Washington from year 2014 - 2016. Overall, the number of dairy cows seemed to be pretty consistent for the top 10 states in U.S. This trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

Top 10 US States based on number of milk cows

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