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Good Rumen Management Increases IOFC

Jin Gan

Good Rumen Management Increases IOFC

Any feeding program that helps to nurture rumen microbial population will increase the dairy's income over feed cost (IOFC). This is due to rumen microbial populations playing an important role in converting feedstuffs to high quality microbian protein and volatile fatty acids (VFA), which serve as energy sources.

Increasing rumen performance

  • One way to help improve rumen performance is to feed all-natural, fermentation-based feed additive (yeast culture) which contains beneficial metabolites.

  • The rumen microbial population increases as they respond to the beneficial metabolites.

  • As these population increases, they improve digestion of feedstuffs so that more of the nutrients they contain become available for use.

  • Rumen fermentation produces the VFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate. Each of them plays a role in energy and fat synthesis.

  • Priopionate is the main VFA used for glucose production.

  • In the mammary gland, glucose is converted to milk lactase. The supply of propionate will increase milk production.

  • Hence, feeding fermented based feed additive will help to increase propionate levels and thus higher milk production.

Benefits of greater rumen microbial efficiency

  • Benefits of greater rumen microbial efficiency lasts throughout the year.

  • Transition cows will have higher dry matter intake (DMI) which makes it better for body condition and have fewer metabolic problems.

  • Later lactation cows will also achieve higher total milk production with better feed efficiency.

  • As for dry cows, high levels of DMI equips them better as they transition to lactation.

  • During period of heat stres, fermented yeast culture continues to be beneficial to the cows as they increase productivity and performance.

  • Heat stressed cow prefers to use glucose for energy as compared to their own body fat because glucose generates less body heat.

  • During heat stress, dairy farmers also also encouraged to feed high quality, high digestible forage in order to minimise heat production in the rumen.

  • Fermented yeast culture is also easier to handle for feed managers as they are consistent and hassle-free, suitable for daily use.

  • The product is unaffected by heat, cold or rough handling and has a long shelf life.

  • Today, it is highly recommended to include fermentation-based feed additive to help increase performance of the dairy cows.

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