There will be times where supply for vitamins are tight which increases the price. However, before thinking of cutting it, here are some of the important roles vitamin play in the cattle: Vitamin A
Role in cattle:
Epithelial tissue maintence
Deficiency symptoms:
Reduce feed intake
Slower growth
Night blindness
Adverse effect due to deficiency:
Lower conception
Reduced libido
abnormal semen
Vitamin D
Role in cattle:
Calcium and phosphorus absorption
Mobilizing calcium
Helps in bone formation
Deficiency symptoms:
Low appetite
Digestive system affected
Adverse effect due to deficiency:
Lower feed intake
Lower growth rate
Weak bones
Low conception rate
Vitamin E
Role in cattle:
Act as antioxidant
Increase immune function
Increase vitamin A uptake
Closely linked to selenium
Deficiency symptoms:
Heart failure
Adverse effect due to deficiency:
Increased sickness
Lower growth rate
Weak calves
Heart failure