A good housing is required to raise high quality dairy cows. The animals need to be kept inside the house if you do not have sufficient grazing place. Here are some tips for proper housing:
Always keep the house dry and clean.
Make sure the floor is clean and not slippery.
Keep a separate place for rearing calf.
It is recommended to have the house surrounded by bamboo or fence with strong wire.
The height of the house should be around 9 to 10 feet.
Make sure there is sufficient clean and fresh water available at the cattle housing at all times.
Make sure there is proper drainage system inside the house so that you can easily remove any excreta and trash.
It is better if the houses are not surrounded by many trees.
The soil should be fertile and enriched with sand and must be dry at all times.
The place for housing should be higher than other places surrounding the house so that you can remove the rain water and other materials.
Make sure there are ample space inside the house for the animals to move freely.
The house should be constructed in such a way that it is safe and comfortable for the animals.
Make sure the entrance has sufficient light as sunlight will help keep the house dry and prevent any germs of virus.