Feed cost has been increasing lately. Here are some tips to help reduce feeding cost: 1) Knowing cow's requirement
It is important to know what lactation cycle is the cow currently at.
This would enable you to plan the proper nutrition requirement for the cows for maximum growth and production.
2) Testing hay quality
Not all hay is made the same.
It is important to get your hay tested in the lab and this will give you more accurate information on how to feed your cows.
3) Feeding less in confinement
It has been observed that cows require less feed when in confined spaces.
Hence, during winter, you can reduce your feed as we suspect due to cow's inactivity, less energy is required.
4) Feeding in a bunk
Cows fed dried distillers'grains on the ground waste up to 40%.
In a bunk, waste is usually at 5%.
Hence, it always make sense to feed in a bunk when possible.
5) Choosing silage based on nutritional value
Often time, farmers will just pick silage with lowest cost.
However, what is more important is to look at the nutritional value of the silage.
If what you need is more crude protein based, pick the ones with higher crude protein content even if it may cost more.